Sussex Ranger
A attractive docile bird that lays nice brown eggs.
Lays 200+ eggs.
Pre-order For 2023
Rhode Rock
A hardy and docile bird which lays good brown eggs.
Lays 250 - 280 per year
Pre-order For 2023
Calder Ranger
Medium sized brown hen with a black tail.
Lays around 300 eggs
Pre-order For 2023
Pied Ranger
A mostly black hen, with varying amounts of white flecking.
Lays around 250 eggs
Pre-order For 2023
A attractive bird similar to a pure Cuckoo Maran
Lays around 250 eggs
Pre-order For 2023
White Star
Small Leghorn type bird. Prolific layer of good sized white eggs.
Lays up to 300 per year.
Pre-order For 2023
Blue Belle
A attractive docile bird that lays nice brown eggs.
Lays 200+ eggs.
Pre-order For 2023
A mostly white hen, with varying amounts of brown flecking.
Lays around 280-300 eggs
Pre-order For 2023
Odd Pots Blue
A attractive Bird but varies in colours including Cuckoo, Blue, Gold Pyle and other colours
Lays around 270 sky blue eggs
Pre-order For 2023
Odd Pots Browns
are a dark egg layer based hybrid. They are friendly birds which have a gentle nature about them, they are of a good size thanks to the Maran parentage.
They are capable of laying around 260 Dark eggs per year.
Pre-order For 2023
Other Breeds Available Please Contact for Availability